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Follow the steps below to DELETE the emails stored in your Talkingworks account.

The original copies of your email enquiries are stored in your Talkingworks Inbox (which you can access via the Dashboard).

It’s a good idea to delete your emails occasionally, because even with the best of intentions, in today’s environment we can’t guarantee that Talkingworks will never be hacked, and if it ever happened the less client info in the system the better.

photo of signin button on talkingworks

Sign in

  • click on the SIGN IN button at the top right corner of your screen
photo of dashbord button on talkingworks

Go to your Dashboard

  • hover over your account name in top right of screen
  • click on DASHBOARD in the drop down menu


image of talkingworks member dashboard for the inbox

Choose Inbox

  • click on INBOX in the left hand menu

Your Inbox Screen

  • there are 3 columns to your Talkingworks Inbox, whether you see them all side-by-side or one or more columns is stacked below the other/s will depend on the width of your screen, ie. you may have to scroll down to see all 3 screens
  • the first column is the list of all your saved email enquiries
  • the second column is the email of the email you want to look at (by default it opens the most recent email)
  • the third column is the name and email address of the sender
image of talkingworks member inbox screen

To Delete an Email

  • select the email you want to delete from the first column
  • NB: if you have a lot of stored emails you might have to scroll back to the top of the screen to see the email message (ie. the second column could look blank)
  • just above the email message click the DELETE button
  • repeat for all the emails you want to delete