Jan Balzer



Sometimes life’s experiences lead to struggles that feel too big. I like to work with people to regain hope through a renewed personal sense of value and agency. This may involve working through historical factors; for others it may be a matter of giving voice to their desire for growth.


Areas of Special Interest

  • life stage transitions
  • stress and burnout
  • anxiety and depression
  • grief and loss
  • relationship issues
  • self- esteem
  • shame and confidence
  • identity issues and the effects of sexual, spiritual and other abuse


Counselling Services

Often life does not work well for us because we have come to faulty conclusions about who we are and our value. Counselling can help us to unpack these drivers. I listen deeply to people and relate empathically to create a safe, accepting atmosphere where troubles can be openly explored. In this non-judgemental space insight and understanding can grow. Many of my clients find that by feeling seen and heard, self-compassion and a new appreciation of personal strengths grows. In this collaborative setting there can be the freedom to explore choices around change wherever it is needed. I offer support to develop new skills to manage these changes, working together to find preferred ways of engaging with life and relationships. From feeling stuck there often arises the possibility of real transformation. My approach is holistic encompassing the different physical, emotional, mental, relational and spiritual aspects that contribute to our well-being and resilience.


Counselling Approach

My work is primarily person-centred and strengths-based, recognising that each person has significant intrinsic worth with their own skills and strengths, even if unacknowledged. Narrative and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy influence my work along with Attachment understandings. These all highlight the various meanings we make of different relationships and events. I use the creative approaches of Interactive Drawing Therapy and Small Figures as appropriate These bring different avenues to connect with the person’s desire for change, to seeing the barriers to that and finding the way forward. I also draw on approaches to bring stillness to over-busy minds, and welcome a spiritual perspective where that is important to the person.


Background and Experience

I have lived many years overseas, mostly in Asia, and have close relationships with folk across a range of ethnicities. I also know what it is to be the outsider, and can appreciate the concerns those from different cultures and faiths may bring to the counselling situation. I have had first-hand experience of major transitions, and training in de-briefing these challenges. For the past 10 years I have been counselling folk in a variety of situations as well as offering online counselling to folk still working overseas. Many of those who have come to me are women with sexual abuse in their stories.

I am married with 2 adult sons, plus the not-forgotten one who was stillborn. I enjoy gardening and exploring nature’s beauty as I walk the dog.


Q Registrations and Memberships

- Member NZ Christian Counsellors Association (MNZCCA)
- Member of Association of Christian Spiritual Directors (ACSD)

Q Qualifications

- Bachelor of Counselling (Laidlaw)
- Spiritual Director
- TESOL Certificate
- Diploma of Teaching
- Bachelor of Arts

Q Languages

I have basic communication skills in Mandarin and German which may be of help to bring clarity or connection but not sufficient for the whole session.

Q Appointments

- Tues to Thurs 9am – 6pm.
- Contact me if you need a time outside these hours.

Q Fees

- Waged/Salary earners $100
- Negotiable for those on low incomes
- Students $75
- WINZ subsidies available for people on benefits or low incomes.
- fess can be paid by Cash or internet banking.
