Megan Hamilton

Heatherlea Counselling

Hi my name is Megan

Are you struggling with some aspects of life at the moment. Maybe its hard to get up in the morning, or maybe you just have a feeling that life could be better. Life isn’t a practice run and if you feel the prospect of counselling overwhelming, you are not alone.

Embrace this opportunity to shape your story. Consider taking small steps towards your goals, making life more meaningful and nurturing important relationships. Each choice and action you make add to the unique richness of your life.


My Counselling Approach

I won’t tell you what to do, I am here to listen and help you figure things out. You lead the way, and I’ll support you as you explore and understand yourself better. This can lead you to identify and pursue the elements that bring joy and more fulfillment to your life.

I know that counselling may seem daunting but I offer you a safe space. I am looking forward to meeting you and hearing about you. Your journey is important and I will walk alongside you.


Q Qualifications

- Diploma in Child and Adolescent Psychology
- Bachelor of Counselling

Q Registrations and Membership

- Provisional Member, Registered with New Zealand Association of Counsellors (NZAC)

Q Professional Development

- Sunshine Circles Training – Dr Petria Thoresen
- Science of Emotions and the Importance of Play – Sandy Hitchens
- Working with Children - Leith Thompson
- Grief Workshop – NZAC
- Trauma Conference – Christchurch 2023
- Animal Assisted Therapy – Online

Q Interests and hobbies

- Walking/tramping
- Reading
- Time with family/friends
- Tennis
- Walking and training our two dogs
- Pilates

Q Fees

- 50min sessions $100
- payments can be made by direct debit/internet banking (details provided at appointment)
- 50% cancellation fee will apply if an appointment is cancelled within 48hrs; this excludes emergencies
- the full amount will be invoiced for appointments cancelled on the day or for 'no shows'

Q Testimonials

Megan's counsel restored my faith in talk therapy as a means of managing my depression.
Megan perfectly balances being personable yet authentic. She is relatable and effortlessly
creates a supportive environment. I admired how quickly she understood the stress I was
experiencing and how she broke down the misconception of therapy being about "hard
work" to make regular counselling feel like something I could participate in.
Our weekly sessions assisted me to make a much-needed commitment to my well-being
and have inspired an independent habit of regular personal reflection. I left the service
(one session early) to participate in a University of Otago clinical research trial about
mood disorders. I could not recommend Megan highly enough.
