Nuraishah Binte Abdullah (Aishah)

Attuned Space Art Therapy (art therapy for relational trauma, anxiety and work on personal self)

Kia ora!

I’m an art therapist based in Christchurch, New Zealand and my cosy therapy space is within the City Centre.

I support adult individuals who are struggling with relational trauma, anxiety and are looking for work on personal self.

You have been questioning how you contributed to the relationship’s breakdown. You noticed things like you couldn’t sleep well and your weight was fluctuating, but you were just trying your best to salvage the relationship before it completed imploded. Now that it’s over, you look up on social media more often than you’d like to admit, you retrace your steps and visit old haunts you used to frequent together, and you have self-critical thoughts like, “Could I have done better?” You want to explore in therapy how your past experiences (like in childhood with your family) are currently impacting your life and relationships.
You are ready to leave your old behaviors behind, like: throwing the first metaphorical punch in arguments, avoiding your needs in order to keep the peace, and blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong. Eventually, you seek a comfortable relationship where you can rely on and each party has equal investment in it. You seek mutual respect & attention.
My approach is collaborative from the get-go. Talk therapy is available but for clients who have had talk therapy in the past and believe they have benefitted as much as they can from it, and are looking for something different, I offer art therapy too. Email me to get started today.


Q Do I need to be very good in art before I can seek art therapy service?

- This is a common but understandable myth. Many people have asked this question and the answer is there is no need for you to be very good in art.
- Art therapy taps on the power of creativity and imagination which we believe that everyone has.
- As your art therapist, my role is to provide a safe space for you to explore and support you to make sense of your experiences.

Q Do I really have to make art in every session? What if I just want to talk?

- This is absolutely in your control. Depending on what surfaces in sessions, we may or may not create art.
- Whatever you feel you need to do in that moment, I would like to hold meaningful conversations with you to process that.

Q Will you evaluate and interpret clients' artworks?

- For my practice, I prefer to remain curious and open about what I observe in the art making process and the final work.
- The sense-making is for you as client to take ownership.
- I am here to bear witness, ask meaningful questions and help you gain insights on your experiences.

Q Registrations and memberships

- Registered member of Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association [ANZACATA]

Q Qualifications

- MA (Art Therapy) - accredited by Goldsmiths, University of London [delivered at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore]
- BSci (Psychology) - accredited by University of Southern Queensland, Australia [delivered at Informatics School, Singapore]

Q Fees

I offer both online and in-person sessions at these rates:

(A) Individual session
1. online: $100/hr
2. in-person: $130/hr

(B) Group session (min 3 pax, max of 8 persons in a group)
1. online: $120/hr
2. in-person: $150/hr

Once session is completed, I will invoice you via email within 24hrs. Payment can be made via internet banking to my Hnry account within 24hrs after invoice has been sent.

Q Availability

I am available for in-person sessions on Mondays to Fridays for these slots: 9.30am/ 11.30am/ 1.30pm. For online sessions, I'm able to see you on weekdays for 6pm and 8pm slots.

How to book:
Just drop me an email and I'll be in touch!

Prior to starting, I will plan with you for a 15-20 mins chat to see if we are the right fit for each other. Thereafter, if all is good, we will schedule for our 1st session. Otherwise, I can help you to find an alternative support.

Cancellation policy:
At times, life throws us a curveball and we may not be able to make for appointments. That is understandable.

At the same time, I too hope to honour my preparation for the sessions. As such, any booking cancelled by you for at least 24hrs in advance will not be charged. However, if you cancel less than 24hrs, then I will still have to charge you.

Q Location

Attuned Space Art Therapy

Address: The Registry Building (corner of Worcester Blvd and Montreal St), Christchurch Arts Centre, Level 1
