Practical Alternatives to Self-Harm 201

Diane Clare

A more in-depth look into responding effectively to those who are engaging in non-suicidal self-injury.

The APEX model is an evidence-based approach on how to respond effectively to those who are engaging in non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI).

This workshop builds on the introductory workshop Practical Alternatives to Self-Harm 101 (so those attending workshop 201 must have attended the ASH 101 workshop prior) and is for those who offer individual treatment or therapy.

Through interactive discussions and activities, this workshop examines the underlying evidence-based principles of the Alternatives Self Harm approach learned in Workshop 101 and will include experiential tasks including role play to enhance your learning.


Learning Outcomes

  • How to apply the APEX model to a case example & create a first aid kit matched to that case example.
  • Practice and gain confidence in using the Stop & Think strategy.
  • Understand how to use the Emotional Intensity Continuum.
  • Create an XYZ contract with a case example where the purposes are matched to 3 alternative strategies.


When: following successful webinars for Alternatives to Self Harm 201 we are seeking expressions of interest so we can begin to collate names and offer new dates.

Contact: Faye  [email protected]

> register online


Q About Diane

BA, MA (Hons), Dip. Clin. Psych., AFBPS
Memberships: NZCCP, MNZAP, ISSTD
Accredited Practitioner in EMDR and is a member of the EMDRNZ Board.

Diane Clare is a registered clinical psychologist who trained at the University of Canterbury. Diane has worked in mental health and counselling services since 1981, first as a grief counsellor then as a psychotherapist, before becoming registered as a psychologist in 1993. She has worked in leadership and Director level roles across a range of services in both NZ and the UK including primary care, adult mental health, forensic, intellectual disability and tertiary student services.

While in the UK in 2005 she developed the Alternatives to Self-Harm programme and has presented her work internationally since 2012. Diane is a seasoned presenter and provides a range of workshop options with an emphasis on practical solutions for clinical staff. She has a specialist interest in working with people recovering from the effects of complex trauma.

Q Who Should Attend ASH 201

Typically therapists who are providing therapeutic interventions as the main component of their role.

FYI - For those who have attended both ASH 101 and ASH 201, a further ASH 301 on how to apply this to running ASH groups is an option at a later date. This workshop will take you through session by session on how to do this. Contact us today to register your interest.

Q Feedback from professionals attending ASH 201

'Your approach to teaching about the ASH Group was practical and effective'.

'Excellent training'.

'I got so many ideas for my practice and not just about working with self-harm, although that is what I came for, I got heaps out of this training!'
