Rachel Hanover-O’Connor


Tēnā koutou katoa,
Ko Pōrana, Hurai, Ingarangi, Kōtirana, me Aerana te whakapaparanga mai,
Ko Ōtautahi te whenua tupu,
Ko she/her ōku tūkapi
Ko Rachel Hanover-O’Connor tōku ingoa,
Tēnā koutou katoa.


About me

Kia ora, I’m Rachel! I’m enthusiastic, kind, understanding, and a bit of a nerd. I live with my wife and some rescue houseplants in Dallington. I love trying new things but right now I’m most enjoying gardening, tabletop roleplaying (like dungeons and dragons), and arts and crafts. I also enjoy science fiction and fantasy, cooking, cartoons, wood turning, tai chi, science, video games, boardgames, going for walks, and singing. 


About my counselling

I do solution focused brief therapy (SFBT). We work out detailed descriptions of what you want, your strengths, and when things have gone well. This approach is actually much more effective than focusing on what’s going wrong for building useful solutions.

Although no one type of therapy is going to fit for everyone, research shows SFBT is often really effective. It’s also very flexible to people’s different lives, cultures, priorities, and ways of thinking. I’ve been counselling since 2014, am a provisional member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, and I have a masters of counselling degree from the University of Canterbury.

I welcome all kinds of topics for counselling, but I am particularly experienced with: 

  • Managing emotions especially stress & anxiety
  • Working with autistic clients and clients with ADHD
  • Working with LGBTQIA+ clients
  • Working with young people


More info

For more information, you might like to see my website. I currently have space for new clients, including a few evening times, and charge $80 per session. Right now I can only offer online sessions, but should be able to offer in-person sessions starting soon (hopefully by July) – please do feel free to let me know if you’d like to book an in-person session as soon as they’re available.

Please feel really welcome to get in touch if you have any questions, and best of luck with your search for the right counsellor to fit with you! Ngā mihi nui –



Q Registrations & Memberships

- Provisional Member, Registered with NZ Association of Counsellors (NZAC)

Q Qualifications

- Masters in Counselling (University of Canterbury)

Q Session availability and details

- Right now I do online sessions, but am hoping to have in-person sessions available as well by July
- $80 per session
- I have space for new clients currently, Mostly on Tues-Fri, with a small amount of evening availability.
