Marta Fisch, MEd

Therapist & Counsellor

A trusted therapist, counsellor & supervisor serving Auckland & Waiheke Island for 30 years.

You’ll like yourself more and find greater ease in relationships, within just a few sessions. I use my 20 years’ experience and master’s level knowledge to assist individuals, couples and families to chart a course towards free and creative ways of being with themselves.

Why I get results

I bring to my work a strong theoretical basis combined with humour and a commitment to growth and freedom from past wounding.

I look for health, for hope, for the intention to love and connect that can sometimes be misunderstood or hidden. I bring out those intentions to connect, and healing follows.

I enjoy working with adults, children, youth, individuals, couples and families.

Supervision: I bring my 30 years’ of expertise in training, counselling and supervision to helping new and experienced counsellors. Supervisees report that they appreciate how I can quickly help them determine why they might be experiencing difficulties, advocate for self-care, expand their theoretical perspectives, and celebrate their successes! My book, Secrets and Ties, Private Thoughts of Helping Professionals in Small Communities, focuses on ethical issues.

Getting Started

If you’re interested, please reach out and talk to me today. All communication is private and confidential. I will respond to you personally.

About Me

I began my training in psychology in the United States in 1979 and completed my Master’s Degree in New Zealand, specializing in family development and relationships.

I bring to my work a strong theoretical basis combined with humour and a commitment to growth and freedom from past wounding.

I am an immigrant and come from generations of immigrants. Extensive experience and success supporting those from Hindu, Muslim and Maori cultures.

I have also written a book to help physical and mental health professionals who work in small communities. Secrets and Ties guides helping professionals to support their communities without sacrificing their own lives!

Se habla espanol y conozco la cultura Latina.


Q Registrations and Memberships

- Member Australian Counsellors Association
- EAP Registered

Q Qualifications

- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology, Hons)
- Masters of Education (Counselling)

Q Testimonials

"I never got around to thanking you enough for what you did & for making me the strong person that I am today. You are an amazing, insightful person & ever so patient! Thanks to you I can be myself again." -YD

"D and I got married a couple of weeks ago! We're very happy and it's in no small part down to you. Thank you :)" -L

"Our daughter is still remarkably 'lighter'. She still has her teenage moments of course, but she seems to be carrying less hurt and anger around with her and is a lot more forgiving of us and our 'parent-y' ways. I cannot thank you enough for having connected with her and releasing some of the pressure for her." - N.O.

Espero que mucha mas gente vaya a verte, porque te encuentro fantastica y a mi me ayudaste muchisimo! aprovecho de darte las gracias y de decirte que me siento increible y que la vida me ha cambiado mucho, y para mejor! muy agradecida de el trabajo que hicimos juntas! Un Abrazo Marta! -CM

“Marta was respectful of each and every person in our group. She has a fantastic ability to retain information given by the group. Her realness about family and the environment around them made her an effective teacher.”

"I have been seeing Marta Fisch for the last three years, both as an individual (suffering from anxiety and depression) and with my spouse. Ms. Fisch is an abundantly empathic, compassionate and authentic human being, who brings to her work enormous intelligence, humor, insight and wisdom. I am immeasurably grateful to her and hope many others may be blessed by her guidance." A.B.

Q Languages

English / Inglés
Spanish / Español

Q Fees

- Waiheke $120/hr
- Auckland $135/hr
- WINZ subsidies
- I am able to provide 3 free sessions for Xero customers

Q Locations

- I practice in both Auckland and Waiheke Island. Simply contact me and we can start you on a better path right away.

- I am also available for confidential online sessions.

Read My Articles

photo of a tired mother holding her sleeping baby

Motherhood, Parenting, Self care

Parenting in Tough Times

The first parent I think of celebrating is the widow of the black man, Philando Castile, murdered by an American […]

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Children, Parenting

Introducing a new partner to your children

Give yourselves lots of time before introducing a new adult (and her or his children) to your children. When we’re […]

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