Supported Assessments 201: A senior clinician’s take on preparing assessments

Diane Clare

A more in-depth look into preparing and providing Supported Assessments for ACC Sensitive Claims.

(PLEASE NOTE: This is not ACC endorsed training – it is a senior clinician’s take)

A one-day online interactive workshop with Diane Clare, this workshop is a follow-on from Supported Assessments 101.

Please Note: if you do not have sufficient experience to date you will need to do the 101 version first.  If you are experienced and looking for the discussions around complexity then we invite you to register for this 201 training.


Topics covered:

Complex diagnostic issues that arise:

  • Predisposing environments e.g. violence, war and disaster, emotional and/or physical poverty factors.
  • Sexuality, body image issues and eating disordered difficulties.
  • Case examples from the group.

Some particular client groups:

  • Male survivors – gendered perspectives arising.
  • Children and adolescents –adaptations to consider.
  • Dissociation and memory difficulties – managing these and diagnostic challenges.
  • Mental health clients or those in prison who require assessments.
  • Delayed expression of symptoms, minimised symptoms, exaggeration (validity issues)

Treatment of complex trauma:

  • Treatment of PTSD and best practice.
  • What if the provider cannot deliver this?
  • Other issues arising for the group.

Do you have any specific questions you would like to ask, or any particular populations or dilemmas you would like to have discussed? We encourage participants to email their questions to us at least 1 week prior to the workshop. Email [email protected].


When: NOT currently offered, please email Faye or Diane to express your interest

Where: Online via Zoom

Contact: Faye  [email protected]


Q About Diane

BA, MA (Hons), Dip. Clin. Psych., AFBPS
Memberships: NZCCP, MNZAP, ISSTD
Accredited Practitioner in EMDR and is a member of the EMDRNZ Board.

Diane Clare is a registered clinical psychologist who trained at the University of Canterbury. Diane has worked in mental health and counselling services since 1981, first as a grief counsellor then as a psychotherapist, before becoming registered as a psychologist in 1993. She has worked in leadership and Director level roles across a range of services in both NZ and the UK including primary care, adult mental health, forensic, intellectual disability and tertiary student services.

While in the UK in 2005 she developed the Alternatives to Self-Harm programme and has presented her work internationally since 2012. Diane is a seasoned presenter and provides a range of workshop options with an emphasis on practical solutions for clinical staff. She has a specialist interest in working with people recovering from the effects of complex trauma.

Q Who Should Attend

This 5 hour online workshop is to assist those who have already attended the Supported Assessments 101 workshop, or are reasonably experienced in completing Supported Assessments but are seeking more detailed information on specific aspects.

It is suitable for ACC Approved assessors and those seeking approval from ACC to become assessors.

This workshop cannot guarantee ACC approval of you to become an assessor, but it does offer guidance in how to tackle the task once you are an approved assessor.

Diane Clare will facilitate this workshop using ZOOM.

PLEASE NOTE: your attendance for this training is not a guarantee of ACC approval for you to become an assessor nor is it part of ACC's in-house training as it is a clinician's take on the challenges in this task.
