22 July

In the journey of healing from trauma, particularly for survivors of sexual abuse and those with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) […]

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21 July

As therapists, counselors, and psychologists dedicated to the healing and well-being of our clients, we are continually exploring and integrating […]

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28 October

Family Constellation work is a method of psychotherapy that examines family dynamics and relationship issues to facilitate healing on a […]

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07 August

The ways in which we were not loved during childhood can be directly read from our adult relationships.– Paul Schellenbaum […]

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06 August

Integrative Restoration / iRest Yoga Nidra® is an evidence-based mind/body approach to health, healing, and well-being. It has been developed […]

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06 August

Somatic Experiencing® is a potent psychobiological method for resolving trauma symptoms and relieving chronic stress. It resets the nervous system, […]

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17 July

Hakomi is a therapeutic method but it is also more than just a therapy. As self-study, it is a natural […]

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21 June

Spiritual Direction is a relationship of respectful spiritual companionship, which supports the deepening of connection within a person’s relationship with […]

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01 May

I don’t think any New Zealander would shy away from hard work, but it’s important to acknowledge that suffering is […]

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12 March

Think of a big goal or a dream you have.Now take a few moments to answer these questions:If you are […]

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