27 July

Some of the symptoms of PTSD can develop years following the event and present like this: Hypervigilance, panic attacks, increased […]

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17 July

Hakomi is a therapeutic method but it is also more than just a therapy. As self-study, it is a natural […]

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28 June

Trauma is a fact of life, but does not have to be a life sentence.– Peter Levine Trauma falls into […]

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19 June

  In this interview with The Mercy Centre, specialist dream interpreter Margaret Bowater explains how to make sense of your […]

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25 April

Though good advice lies deep within a Counsellor’s (Listener’s) heart, the wise man will draw it out.– Proverbs 20:5. The […]

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17 March

Change by its very nature is multi- faceted in its effect. It is usual to experience a wide range of […]

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01 March

I woke up one Monday morning and it dawned on me that my “get up and go” had actually done […]

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01 March

Conflict is one of those words most people have an instant recoil reaction to which often we avoid at all […]

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15 February

A woman decided she did not want to attend a family picnic because she didn’t feel safe in the company […]

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12 January

Simplicity and spaciousness stood out as values I wanted more of in my life, both in my mind and in […]

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