24 October

Once you decide to change your relationship with substances, cutting them out or significantly reducing them, you are likely to […]

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20 July

Boundaries, we all have them and often they are core to relationships whether with friends, our self, family, co-workers or your beloved […]

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20 July

The alarm blares its wake up sound and another day begins and your eyes open up as you slowly meander […]

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21 June

Spiritual Direction is a relationship of respectful spiritual companionship, which supports the deepening of connection within a person’s relationship with […]

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17 May

I discovered the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi about three years ago. It was a revelation. The way I understand wabi-sabi […]

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17 May

‘They didn’t hit us… but every time they hit each other they may as well have picked up a baseball […]

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01 May

I don’t think any New Zealander would shy away from hard work, but it’s important to acknowledge that suffering is […]

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23 March

“No human act is more difficult than forgiveness.”– Dr D.G. Benner. Imagine, a friend borrowed $15,000 from you, they told […]

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12 March

Think of a big goal or a dream you have.Now take a few moments to answer these questions:If you are […]

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08 March

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a never ending, Groundhog Day-like cycle of feeling frustrated, hopeless, guilty and […]

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