14 November

Why do we blame, how does it sabotage relationships and why move beyond it? Have you ever found yourself blaming? […]

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07 June

The first moment I lived from ‘I’m imperfect and I’m enough’ was a relief; I relaxed, savouring my acceptance. I […]

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25 October

Recently there’s been a lot of talk in the psychotherapy world about Mindfulness and this article is to share what […]

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08 September

Mindfulness is a set of practices that increase happiness and enhance general wellbeing. As a practice, mindfulness is the purposeful […]

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08 September

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.– Dalai Lama What does it take to be […]

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08 August

Good sex is excellent for women’s health. Researchers tell us that it can increase your fitness and muscle tone, is […]

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08 August

It’s unfortunate that “women can do anything” is becoming “women should do everything”. This myth says we should be successful […]

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25 July

What is Stress? ‘Stress is a normal psychological/physical reaction to any demand or change that is imposed on us from […]

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13 May

Why do play and rest matter? Play and rest are essential. When we play we are in touch with our […]

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03 February

If the breakup was for the best, you shouldn’t be sad As much as we would like our emotional reactions […]

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